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Sprinkler Tips

Sprinkler waters a green lawn

Indoor plumbing is a major amenity of living in the modern world, and is pretty much one of the key signs of a developed society. However, plumbing methods and technology have also improved what we can do with our outdoor property, as well. In particular, sprinkler systems have enabled us to have beautiful yards full of luscious plants that otherwise couldn’t survive. Here are some sprinkler system tips to help you have a beautiful yard…


How to Effectively Set Up Your Irrigation System

If you are going further than just having an above-ground sprinkler that you move around, and are opting to create an irrigation-sprinkler system, then you want to make sure that you have a good plan that affects your yard, evenly, and doesn’t waste water. Here are some tips to do this:

  • Make sure the pipes are at least a foot beneath ground, as this will prevent freezing when winter comes.
  • If you have a timer for your sprinkler, set it to run in the evening or very early morning. This helps make sure that most of the water actually gets to the plants, instead of evaporating in the sun.
  • Set up each sprinkler head, based on the distance that they are able to water, so that there is only about 6 inches of overlap in their spray vicinity.
  • Wrap up the underground pipes with insulation that prevents freezing (seriously, frozen pipes are highly liable to break and ruin your irrigation system).
  • Make sure that you get to your irrigation system and turn it off when there is a likelihood of rain. There’s no reason to waste water when it is going to come freely from the sky.
  • Consult a lawn care expert to see what kind of sprinkler head is going to be best for your irrigation system.

    If you have any questions about setting up your irrigation system or need the help of plumbing experts who have been in this field for decades, don’t hesitate to call the team at Electric Rooter, today!

