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Should You Attempt Plumbing Repairs at Home?

  • Should You Attempt Plumbing Repairs at Home?

    Should You Attempt Plumbing Repairs at Home?

    Many home projects, including plumbing, seem a lot more simple than they actually are, before you actually attempt them. Many residential plumbing problems take basic knowledge and only a few tools to fix. Others require vast knowledge and tools that we would be surprised if you already had them. If you are ever unsure if you’ll be able to complete a plumbing project, it’s best to call a plumbing professional to make sure that you don’t cause more damage while trying to do it on your own. Here are a few common plumbing problems that aren’t as simple as they seem.

    Changing a faucet

    This seems like a very simple fix. Take off the old faucet, put on the new one. Right? It’s that simple if you’re okay with hot and cold water spraying over your entire kitchen as you take the old one off, and potentially damaging pipes. To change a faucet, the hot and cold water valves have to be turned off, which are located directly under the faucet, in a hard to reach place that requires a few different tools to remove. Once you turn off the water, and take off the old faucet, you’ll have to completely clean and remove the putty that is used to secure the faucet, and then repair it. Put the new faucet in, and then head back under the sink to hand tighten the screws that connect the water to your new faucet.

    Removing a sink trap

    A lot of homeowners don’t even know what a sink trap is. You’ll have to remove your sink trap to gain access to your faucet controls, as well as things simpler, like trying to clean out the trap. This is the J shaped pipe that traps debris from entering your water supply. It’s a difficult job to remove, and it has a foul smell when you remove it. If you do attempt to do it alone, make sure you have a large bowl to catch excess water, and keep the trap in an upwards position to avoid dumping its contents.

    Water heater repair

    A water heater is a lot more complicated than you think. Most repairs to your water heater should only be attempted by a trained professional. Especially anything that involves power sources, such as natural gas or electrical connections. Even simple things such as draining the tank should be done cautiously, or even better, by a professional who can ensure they won’t cause costly damage to your home.