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What is ROOTX?

  • What is ROOTX?

    ROOTX is a patented chemical used for root control. The formula kills the roots it comes in contact with. In addition, it does not kill the tree or plant. Dichlobenil, an aquatic herbicide is the active ingredient in ROOTX. This formula not only kills the roots, but it also prevents future growth for up to a year. ROOTX is easy to use and is the top environmentally safe root killer on the market. Similarly, it is the most effective foaming root control solution.


    How Does ROOTX Work?


    This root control formula is two dry powder components that come packaged in one container. When the water comes in contact with the formula, together they create a sticky foam. The entire pipe is filled with the foam. The foam coats the roots and the pipeline. Next, ROOTX leaves a film above the water line that continues to kill the roots and impedes new growth for up to a year. It kills roots that are in septic systems, storm lines, sewer lines, and storm pipes. If left untreated, root intrusion can restrict flow and cause a complete blockage. As a result, they can eventually destroy a sewer or septic system. Consequently, this would cost thousands of dollars to fix.


    Is it Safe for the Environment?

    RootX has been used nationwide by plumbing contractors and sewer departments for over 20 years. It has been approved for use in all 50 states by the EPA. The chemicals are non-systematic, non-fumigating, and non-caustic. It has minimal impact on the system and surrounding landscape while promoting good bacterial growth inside the pipeline.


    ROOTX does not contain harmful compounds such as Copper Sulfate or Metham Sodium. These are harmful to the environment and natural bacteria and fungi that aids in the decomposition of dead roots. The patented chemicals and their perfect combination promote and speed up the natural decomposition of roots that are dying.  Similarly, the root killing and removal function ability of this environmentally safe product are exclusive to ROOTX.


    Is it Economical?

    The ROOTX solution can be used in conjunction with mechanical root-cutting equipment or by itself. Some circumstances require removal of roots mechanically. This is a perfect solution short term. Although, just like trimming a tree or bush for example, if the roots are not treated, they will grow back stronger and bigger.With the potential to fully block a pipe in 9 months. If this occurs, the sewer line will be destroyed. The pipe will need to be dug up and replaced. Consequently, that cost if far greater than an annual ROOTX treatment. ROOTX is guaranteed to keep municipal sewer lines that are larger than 8 inches free from live growth root blockage for 24 months following the application.


    Call on the Experts!

    The professional plumbers at Electric Rooter Drain & Sewer are certified sellers and technicians of the ROOTX treatment system. Our team has extensive knowledge and understanding of the capabilities and requirements of ROOTX. For example, we know how to get the most effective use out of it. With a consultation, you will know if ROOTX is the best solution for your tree root problem. Call us today (801) 266-8041.